Our Vision, Mission, and Model
Our Vision
Our Vision is to be an authentic Christian community: a people who know and love God and care for one another in order to reveal God’s glory and extend His kingdom on the earth.
We believe that the teachings and example of Jesus and the early church found in the Bible set an example for the way we are to live. As we live in obedience under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit we experience transformation and purpose. As we host the presence of God and live in radical obedience to Him, loving each other as Jesus loved us, we see His kingdom come and His will done in on the earth.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to host the presence of God in order to make disciples and reveal Jesus to the world.
Being a presence-centered community means giving our attention to loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to loving our neighbor as we love ourself. We love God and host His presence among us by giving our affection and attention to Him in worship and prayer. We love others by cultivating true fellowship, making disciples and equipping the saints in our community. Our mission is to be the church and disciple others as Jesus did. We are called to reach out and disciple first, those in our community, then in our region, the nation, and finally - the world.
Our Model
Our Model of Ministry is to follow the example of Jesus and the New Testament church by being devoted to the Word of God, the fellowship of believers, authentic worship and united prayer.
“They devoted themselves to the apostle teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42) The first-generation church was devoted to these four pursuits: teaching the Word of God (the Bible), living in fellowship (joined lives) with other believers, giving worship to God (breaking bread/eucharist) and living in communion with God by Prayer. As a result, the early church was able to reveal the glory of God and extend His kingdom on the earth. We believe that these four devotions are the foundation for all that we do and teach.