The Bible is God’s Word. It outlines the standard by which our attitudes and behavior are to be measured. We must always endeavor to measure our lives with the standard of Truth in the Bible, and refuse to adjust the
standard of Truth to line up with our lives. Biblical standards of conduct supersede all other social and cultural standards.
The church is family. A place to connect, serve and belong. A Christian community is similar to extended family where each member cares for the other. In this family each member is responsible to - and for- one another in accountable relationships. Members of the church care for and serve one another in an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and forgiveness and live their lives together in both small and large group settings.
The pastoral eldership team has the responsibility to lead the church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ who is the head of the church. A presiding elder gives overall direction to the eldership and is responsible to manage
the daily activities of the congregation. Instead of doing the entire ministry, elders are responsible to train and
equip the people to use their gifts and their callings to minister and care for others.*
Life Transformation
We experience life transformation in Christian community as we follow Jesus and care for one another. This transformation includes the renewing of our minds. Rather than simply growing in the knowledge of the Bible we are transformed in character and lifestyle as we meditate and obey the Word of God. Transformation also happens in intimate and transparent relationships with others. Real growth and change is experienced when our sins are forgiven and we experience healing from the brokenness in our lives. This transformation is
entirely accomplished through the presence of God: the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit.
Every Member a Minister
Every member, including youth and children, is to be actively involved in caring and ministering to one another in the local body of Christ. In order for this to happen, each member is encouraged to pursue a path of discipleship (following Jesus) that will equip them in their gifting and callings. Through the growth of spiritual
fruit and the discovery of spiritual gifts each person becomes a vessel of love, care, and healing.
We believe that Jesus commissioned us to make disciples. We are committed to mentoring spiritual friends, sons and daughters. We seek to live in community with others teaching them to love, hear and obey God with great care and purpose for the glory of God and the extension of His kingdom on the earth.
Worship is ministry to the Lord. God is worthy of all of our worship, adoration and praise. We worship because
He is worthy! Through worship we bless God and show our love to Him. We praise Him for who He is through
music, singing, worship arts, and the spoken word. Our worship services include celebration, adoration,
proclamation, and exultation.
Prayer is communication with God. It is listening and responding to God and is the primary way that we
encounter and communicate with God; the source of all life. As we hear the voice of God in prayer, we discover who God is. In prayer we also discover who we are and what our purpose in life is. As we hear and obey God, we are able to accomplish the
The tithe (10% of income) is the foundation of Biblical giving and is given to the local church for the meeting of
needs. Faith promise giving is set apart for missions. Sacrificial giving (for things such as building programs,
benevolence or giving to those in need) are given as each person discerns and are given above and beyond the tithe. While the tithe is given out of obedience to God, offerings above and beyond the tithe are optional and are to be given according to ability, desire and discernment.
The Holy Spirit
God does nothing on the earth except by His Spirit. The Holy Spirit (the presence of God) has been given to the
church to guide and empower the church. Without the Spirit there is no spiritual life and power. In partnership
with the presence of God we discover our purpose and experience the destiny for which we were created. It is
our aim to host the Presence of God whenever we gather. In this way, the Spirit of God is able to comfort,
guide and transform His people. This is not only true at large gatherings but also at every community group
meeting and in our personal relationships with one another.
The focus of every work that God has called us to do is to be at Ward rather than inward. The Christian
community is the main tool God uses to bring transformation to culture. Reaching out to others is not simply one of the things we do but is the focus of everything that we do our goal in ministry is to reveal the glory of God and extend his kingdom both locally and around the world.
Working together as a local body of Christ is essential if we are to accomplish the task that God has for us we
also value relationships with other local congregations and ministries who are like-minded we share common
vision values objectives at distinctives as local congregations as well as the broader restoration network of churches.